
I enjoy working with children and find it best to visit people’s homes, where children show their most natural behavior in a familiar and comfortable environment. This is the very best way to discover a child’s talents, their qualities and learn about their wishes. The interaction with other family members also reveals valuable information about the nature of the child’s relationships, their habits and underlying family patterns.

As a parent you want to do everything for your child

I believe all parents hope their child(ren) will have an even better life than they have. Children sense their parent’s wishes and expectations every day, even if they are not explicitly discussed or exhibited. This can create a lot of unspoken pressure. It is important for a child to learn to see their own independent life missions and follow their own passions, separate from their elders. Working together, we can create a safe place for your child(ren) to learn appropriate ways to say no when asked to fulfil other people’s expectations (an ideal time for work like this is as your child is entering the puberty phase).

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

Albert Einstein

The wishes and talents of children from the ages of roughly 8 to 12 sometimes seem to go in all directions. This coincides with a peak in curiosity and an increase in energy during these years. Many parents can confirm that this source of energy is carried over into a child’s later years. Common societal influences, like the habit of comparing the neighbour’s greener grass and the forced, premature choices of rigid teaching models in schools can have a lot of negative impact. In a success-oriented society, major detours, delays or ‘missed opportunities’ are framed in a negative way and there is tremendous pressure to always make perfect, correct choices. If we work together to remove those pressures, effectively using a talent-oriented approach, your child(ren) can be empowered to create and develop their interests naturally. We can explore education models and consider choices dictated by your child’s own innate knowledge of what suits them best. The fear of missing opportunities or being delayed will always lurk, but this is rarely a good way to choose a healthy path. With enough love and attention, and a healthy dose of rest, children have the capacity to naturally let their talents show the best way forward, if we let them.

Children are the best mirrors to their parents

Children are special and spectacular creatures and are the best mirrors of and for their parents. Sometimes parents learn more from their children than the other way around. It often won’t matter what you say to your children, because they will instead copy your actions, behavior and approach.

From self-insight you get an even better view of the other

Let your children rise above themselves

The better you know yourself, the easier it can be to step away from another and see them for their own qualities. It is possible to learn how to give your child(ren) their personal space, with patience. Seeing them more clearly as independent, complete humans allows them to thrive. 

Now that you have considered the benefits for your child(ren), you may want to pursue an investment in your own talents. What a great opportunity for you to: 

  • learn from your child(ren)’s experience 
  • set a positive example for them 
  • give space to your child, with patience 

Please contact me if you would like to give the greatest gifts within your child (and/or you) more recognition and attention. We can explore the best approach based on your child(ren)’s needs (and yours) to discover and develop all your talents and confidence.

Parents take care of your Children (John Mayer – Daughters)

…I hope, that you start to see
That treasure hunting is all what they need
Parents, be good to your children
Your children will be just like you
Kids become grown-ups, and turn into parents
And maybe become also grandparents too…